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First Year Residents

Class of 2026

Michael Bitzan

Medical School: University College Cork

Medical Interests: Mental health, rural medicine, nutrition, and lifestyle.

Personal Interests/Hobbies: 在我的空闲时间,我喜欢打鼓,足球,跑步,浮潜和旅游. I also enjoy teaching drums and composing music with others.

Why Grand Forks/Altru: During my interview process, 工作人员的热情好客给我留下了难以置信的印象. 他们友好包容的态度让我立刻有了宾至如归的感觉. Even though my interview took place in the winter, 当我访问大福克斯时,它被证明是一个友好而迷人的城市,你需要的一切都只有很短的车程. During my tour of the hospital and the clinic, 我发现这里的设施是一流的,我知道我将在这里接受出色的培训,成为一名家庭医学住院医师. Ultimately, 我在面试过程中所经历的一切都让我觉得这个项目真的很重视它的居民, 在接下来的三年里,大福克斯市将是一个美妙的家. 

Noe Dela Fuente

Medical School: University of the City of Manila

Medical Interests: 家庭医学,生活方式医学,即时超声,表观遗传学.

Personal Interests/Hobbies: 我喜欢与我的妻子奥拉和我们的涂鸦马利共度美好时光. 我们去北达科他州的州立公园旅行,住在明尼苏达州湖边的小木屋里. Outside of the hospital, you can find me strolling on the Greenway along the Red River, shooting hoops at Choice Health and Fitness, or just hanging out with my co-residents. 兴趣爱好:主持聚会、烹饪、绘画、滑雪、汽车、篮球.

Why Grand Forks/Altru: Having lived in Grand Forks for three years, I can say that the city boasts a high quality of life, characterized by safe neighborhoods, low cost of living, and a strong sense of community. 这个城市提供各种各样的娱乐活动,包括公园、小径和体育赛事. 小镇的魅力与现代化的设施相结合,使大福克斯成为一个有吸引力的居住地. Altru提供全面的家庭医学培训经验,这是一个真正无人反对的项目. My wife being a previous resident, 我亲眼目睹了敬业的教职员工提供指导, support, 为住院医生提供个性化指导,让他们茁壮成长,并提供以患者为中心的电子游艺靠谱排行. 我很自豪也很兴奋能在奥特鲁继续我的家庭医学实习,并接受多样化的临床培训,成为一名全面发展的家庭医生.

Kayla Fussy

Medical School: University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Medical Interests: 我对全方位的家庭医学和照顾病人的整个生命周期很感兴趣. I have specific interests in obstetrics, natural family planning, pediatrics and chronic disease management.

Personal Interests/Hobbies: 我喜欢烤酸面包,跑步,和我的丈夫和家人在一起. 我们喜欢花时间在户外,在夏天去MN湖泊国家. I'm also a huge Jane Austen fan. 

Why Grand Forks/Altru: 在我医学院的第四年,我能够和Altru FMR一起做轮换,我非常喜欢它! Everyone was so welcoming to me, 我可以看到教师和住院医生是多么支持彼此. 我对全面的课程印象深刻,包括许多产科轮转. 我知道,在奥特鲁的培训将使我成为一名优秀的家庭医生,在实习结束后可以在任何地方执业. Also, my husband and I are UND grads and love Grand Forks, so we are thrilled to stay here for residency.

Kristen Hager

Medical School: University of North Dakota School Medical and Health Sciences

Medical Interests: 农村卫生,急诊和荒野医学,办公室程序,广谱电子游艺靠谱排行.

Personal Interests/Hobbies: 花时间与家人和朋友,钓鱼,徒步旅行,骑自行车,旅游,曲棍球,木工.

Why Grand Forks/Altru: 2011年,我搬到大福克斯地区上学,发现这是一个非常适合居住的城市. 我丈夫和我坚信这是我们家最好的地方,并为能成为这个奇妙社区的一员而感到荣幸. For me, Altru has been a community within a community, 由真正关心邻居健康和幸福的人组成. 奥特鲁家庭医学住院医师是首屈一指的教师谁去加倍努力,以确保明天的医生有足够的装备,以提供最好的病人电子游艺靠谱排行可能. 

Katelyn Larsen

Medical School: Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical Interests: Full spectrum family medicine, rural medicine, and women’s health.

Personal Interests/Hobbies: I enjoy participating in outdoor activities including fishing, hunting, hiking, camping, kayaking, and snowshoeing with my husband. 我也喜欢排球、当猫妈妈、园艺和威斯康辛州的体育运动。!

Why Grand Forks/Altru: 从一开始,奥特鲁员工的善良、关怀和家庭般的感觉就吸引了我. 这是一个协作的工作环境,既能促进学习,又能让我保持健康. 大福克斯本身就提供了很多绝佳的机会,从当地的商店到全年的户外探险.

Brad Lutz

Medical School: University of Washington, Wyoming WWAMI

Medical Interests: Full spectrum, rural family medicine.

Personal Interests/Hobbies: Ham radio, primarily morse code. Competitive shooting events. Overlanding. 如果它涉及到外面的树林,我可能会参加.

Why Grand Forks/Altru: 大福克斯让我想起了我的家乡,我想在那里当一名医生. 很少有实习项目能让医生为真正的农村实践做好准备,而奥特鲁在这一领域得到了很好的认可. 

Kalvin Slaubaugh

Medical School: University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Medical Interests: Full Spectrum Family Medicine, Rural Medicine, and procedures.

Personal Interests/Hobbies: Spending time with my family, woodworking, hunting, and fishing.

Why Grand Forks/Altru: I chose Altru FMR for the people. 在第三和第四年的轮岗期间,我有很多机会与住院医生和教职员工一起工作. 他们立刻让我觉得自己是这个家庭的一员,而且一直都很平易近人, supportive, and genuine. Combine the people with the high-quality, comprehensive training available here and it was a no-brainer.

Shaylen Young

Medical School: University College Cork, Ireland

Medical Interests: 我的热情是妇女健康和弥合差距,个人在医疗保健服务不足的农村地区居住

Personal Interests/Hobbies: I enjoy traveling to new places, as well as hiking and camping. 在我休息的时候,你通常会发现我在编织、缝纫或园艺. I’m currently learning to speak German and Salsa Dance.

Why Grand Forks/Altru: 我选择大福克斯项目不仅仅是因为它关注农村医疗保健, 也因为我在面试过程中遇到的杰出人士. From the moment I stepped into their environment, 他们对我真诚的热情和尊重给我留下了深刻的印象. 他们对我的友好和专业给我留下了深刻的印象. I am thrilled to be a part of a team that is so supportive.

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